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Non glass or porcelain Insulators from the United States

In the US glass insulators were initially used for communication and power, after the turn of the century porcelain insulators became the standard for power distribution, but glass remained for open wire communication. Non glass and porcelain insulators were much more rarely used, but there are still plenty of examples.

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Composition Insulators
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd


N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
Composition and metal insulators
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
Wood insulators
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
Rubber insulators
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
Plastic insulators
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd N-tbd
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