No. 1,374,998. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Apr. 19, 1921.
Application filed February 14, 1918. Serial No. 217,221.
To all whom it may concern: Be
it known that we, CHARLES LE
G. FORTESCUE, a subject of the King of Great
Britain, and a resident of Pittsburgh in the county of Allegheny and
State of Pennsylvania, and GEORGE I. GILCHREST,
a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Wilkinsburg, in the
county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and
useful Improvement in Insulators, Of which the following is a
specification. Our
invention relates to electrical insulating bodies or structures and
particularly to such insulators as are employed for supporting
high-voltage lines or conductors. One
object of our invention is to provide an insulator, of the above
indicated character, that shall be simple and durable in construction
and of such shape and conformation as to utilize substantially the
maximum dielectric strength of the air or other insulating medium
between conductors of considerable difference of potential. Another object of our invention is to provide a support for
electrical conductors that shall be protected from adverse influences,
such as rain or dust, in a manner to insure substantially a minimum
degree of disturbance to the dielectric field in which it is disposed. A
further object of our invention is to provide a condenser type insulator
of such construction as to cause the mechanical and the electrical
stresses imposed thereon to extend in substantially coincident lines,
thereby obtaining an insulator of minimum size and weight and of maximum
electrical and mechanical strength. Heretofore, in the design of insulators, more consideration has been
given to the distribution of potential stresses caused by leakage
currents than to stresses caused by the dielectric field.
Corrugated or long leakage-path insulators have been designed to
compensate for the stresses caused by leakage, but, in many instances,
they have so disturbed the dielectric field, by reason of ionization of
the surrounding air, as to nullify the surface resistance thereof,
resulting in "flash-over" at voltages below the voltages at
which insulators of the proper shape and of
the same weight and quality of material break down. Attempts have been made to increase the puncture strength
of insulators by providing the well known superposed or chain petticoat
insulators, but, unless compensated for, as is done in our improved
insulator, the ionization of the air between the individual members of
such an insulator causes high frequency oscillations and streamers over
the same and thereby increases the stress, to which they are subjected,
to a higher value than the resistance provided by the additional
members. The design of an insulator should be a compromise between
the leakage current distribution and the dielectric field distribution,
since, in every instance, each of these is a factor in the actual
distribution of potential. That is, the surface leakage resistance
should be proportional to the difference of potential caused by the
dielectric field. The members of a built up insulator should be of such
design and arrangement and severally of such capacitance as to cause the
distribution of the electrostatic stress to conform to the natural form
of the field between the conductors as the same would be if no insulator
were present. As
disclosed in patent No. 1,129,520, granted to the Westinghouse Electric
and Manufacturing Company, February 23, 1915, upon an application filed
by K. C. Randall, S. W. Farnsworth and C. Le G. Fortescue, the
concentration of potential stresses, in the vicinity of insulators, may
be avoided by having the insulators of such shape as to conform to the
electrostatic flow lines of the field in which they are disposed. In practicing our invention we utilize the above mentioned principle in shaping the body portions of the several members comprising our insulator, and further provide the same with protecting barriers or petticoats that are of such shape as to conform to equi-potential surfaces of the respective parts of the field in which they are severely disposed. That is, all points on the surfaces of the petticoats are substantially at right angles to the lines of the field at these points. By
properly constructing the several juxtaposed members of insulating
material, and by providing conducting bodies in proper relation thereto,
in accordance with the principles set forth in Patent No. 1,129,468,
granted to the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, February
23, 1915, upon an application filed by C. Le G. Fortescue, we obtain an
insulator comprising a series of condensers of such capacitance that the
potential gradient conforms to the natural field between the conductors
and in which the liability of fracturing the insulator adjacent to the
positive charge, whereat the surface tension is normally the greatest,
is substantially eliminated. The
advantages resulting from the above indicated features, as well as those
obtained by having the electrical and mechanical stresses substantially
coincident, and other features will be hereinafter more fully pointed
out. Figure
1, of the accompanying drawing is a view, partially in section and
partially in elevation, of an insulator embodying our invention; Fig. 2
is a fragmentary view, similar to a portion of Fig. 1, showing a
modified form of petticoat therefore, Figs. 3 and 4 are fragmentary
views of a modified form of pin support for the same, and Figs. 5 and 6
are diagrammatic views illustrating certain characteristics of our
improved insulator, to be hereinafter explained. Referring
to Fig. 1, a clamp 2, mounted on a cap member .3, or any other suitable
means, such as a tie wire, as shown in Fig 5 secures a high-potential
conductor 1 to the uppermost member of a plurality of superposed nested
members 4 of insulating material, such as porcelain. The members 4 are
of substantially bell-shape, having body portions 5 that conform, in
contour, to the static field lines which extend from the conductor 1
convergingly toward a supporting pin 6, one end of which is disposed in
a partially screw-threaded recess 7 in the lowermost member 4. Petticoat
portions 8, on each of the members 4, are of such shape as to be
substantially, at all points on their surfaces, at right angles to the
static field surrounding the insulator. Coaxial centrally disposed
recessed projecting portions 9 and bodies 10 of cementitious material or
of conducting material, if it is so desired, disposed there between
constitute the condenser elements of the assembled insulator. The relation of the pin 6 to the conductor 1 so directs the static field
lines as to cause the same to extend in substantially the same direction
as certain mechanical stresses, in a manner to be hereinafter pointed
out, and the projecting portions 9 are of such shape as to resist these
stresses in a manner permitting desirable latitude in the selection of
certain electrical characteristics, and at the same
time insuring maximum mechanical strength. The
flow line conforming body portions 5, when assembled, constitute a
multi-part main body portion of the complete insulator that
substantially conforms to the static field lines throughout the space
separating the conductor and pin. This, as explained in Patent No.
1,129,520, fully utilizes the dielectric strength of the air.
When exposed to adverse weather conditions of exterior
installation or to an interior installation where globules of water,
particles of dust or other extraneous matter are likely to settle on the
insulator surfaces, these conditions are not disturbed and the
"flashover" point will not be lowered unless the deposited
matter becomes of sufficient quantity to short circuit the condenser
elements. As
shown in Fig. 6 the static field lines extend undisturbed from the
conductor 1 to the pin 6, by reason of the fact that, since the
petticoats 8 conform to equi-potential surfaces and extend into the
field to a region where it is comparatively weak, there is substantially
no tendency toward the concentration of stresses at any particular
point. This principle, as applied to curved or directed field lines, was
evolved by further research of the principles set forth in Patent No.
1,129,520, and has been demonstrated to be substantially true by tests
in which insulators, constructed in accordance therewith, showed no
corona at, and could be continuously operated within, two percent of
their breakdown voltages. To
the extent that the dielectric equi-potential surface petticoats do not
disturb the field, they approach the characteristics of a metal under
the influence thereof, and that the use of metal petticoats is herein
comprehended, is illustrated in Fig. 2. Metal petticoats 11 may comprise
extensions of the conducting bodies 10 and have inner edges disposed
between the members 4 or they may be constructed and mounted in any
suitable manner. Some of the advantages attending the use of metal are
durability, protection from heat caused by arcing and mechanical
protection. An
advantage of the dielectric petticoats 8, when exposed to rain or mist,
is the leakage resistance provided thereby in the preferred embodiment
of our invention, the leakage path of each of the members 5 is of
substantially equal resistance, but, by reason of the greater washing
action of rain on the top petticoat and the consequent probability of
greater deposits of dust forming on the lower petticoat, the leakage
path is so formed as to provide a slightly and gradually increasing
resistance from the upper end to the center of the insulator. The above arrangement provides a substantially constant leakage current,
under wet
and dry conditions, in the following manner:
I = total current from conductor to ground. IC
current through the insulator. I1
leakage current over the insulator. Then at all times
= IC
+ I1. in
dry weather, IC
greatly dominates I1, so that substantially
= IC. When
the insulator becomes wet, the greater portion of the leakage current
becomes shunted by way of the petticoat path which is so proportioned,
as hereinbefore pointed out, that I1
is related to IC
in substantially inverse ratio as under dry conditions, so that
= I1. Our
improved insulator thus operates substantially as well under the most
severe as under normal weather conditions. In
order to eliminate the fracturing stresses normally existing adjacent to
the positive charge, the members 4 are so proportioned and so
inter-disposed with the conducting material 10 as to constitute a series
of condensers that may be severally of any desired capacitance. The
cap member 3 constitutes one terminal plate of the condenser, the other
terminal plate 12 of which may be conveniently formed by providing the
surface of the recess 7, of the lowermost member 4, with a coating of
the aforesaid conducting material, or in a manner shown in Figs. 3 and
4. As
shown in Fig. 3, the metal pin 6 is of such shape as to substantially
fill the recess 7, a body of cement 13 being disposed between the pin
and the member 4. The same electrical result would obtain if the pin 6
were of wood and the cement 13 of conducting material. Fig. 4 shows another method of providing the lowermost member 4 with a terminal plate by means of a metal sleeve 14 which embraces the pin 6 and engages the walls of the recess 7. In the above manner, conductors of high potential may be supported without undue stresses in the component parts of the supporting means. We prefer to use, for the material 10, a cement having the same coefficient of expansion as the members 4. If the material 10 is conducting material, it may consist of finely divided metal, such as type metal, suspended in a good adhesive binder, such as cement, or it may be of any other suitable substance which also serves to hold the members 4 together. It
will be understood that the specific inductive capacity of cement or
similar material differs from that of porcelain to such degree that the
bodies of materials constitute a condenser even though metallic plates
or other conducting material are not employed. As is well known, the mechanical forces to which a transmission line insulator may be subjected are, in all instances, capable of being resolved in vertical and horizontal components. The vertical components of a force, in order to be transferred from the line conductor to the support or pin for the insulator, must pass through the body of the insulator. By referring to Fig. 6, the pin 6 will be observed as being the mechanical support for the
insulator to which the line conductor is attached. This pin 6 possesses
the form of a hyperboloid of revolution. As brought out in Horace Lamb's
Hydrodynamics published by Cambridge University Press, a vertical
force transmitted through a body which is supported upon a pin that is a
hyperboloid of revolution will |
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a confocal system. The
dotted lines of Fig. 6 represent segments of ellipsoids of revolution
which constitute another confocal Our insulator, as shown in Figs. 1 and 5, is made up of sections, the
adjacent surfaces of the body portions of which extend substantially at
right angles to the "flow lines" or lines of the electrostatic
field. The dividing lines of the adjacent nested portions of the
body members 4 are, accordingly, substantially at right angles to the
substantially coincident electrical and. mechanical stresses. The
surfaces are thus so arranged that the several sections withstand, to a
maximum degree, the various forces to which they are subjected without
tendency to relative movement of the insulator parts. This arrangement
permits the employment of multi-part insulators designed to withstand
given mechanical stresses in which considerable latitude in the
predetermined capacitance is permitted. The capacitance may
be predetermined by selecting the dimensions of the several parts
without affecting the mechanical strength of the insulator, as a whole,
since the relations of the parts are not changed. Another
advantage of an insulator constructed in accordance with the above
described principles, is that foreign particles do not end to accumulate
on the flow-line surfaces thereof. Since the stresses are substantially
tangential to all points on these surfaces, there are no component
forces tending to attach such particles which, as a matter of fact, are
attracted toward the equi-potential surfaces. By this agency, our
improved insulator will not readily become deposited with dust or other
matter at the portions whereat it is most desirable that it be clean. The
arrangement of the body portions of the insulator sections to conform
substantially to the "flow lines" of the electrostatic field
operates to keep them free from dust or other foreign materials which
tend to collect on all exposed portions. The dust particles become
charged upon entering the electrostatic field and flow in the direction
of the current. Since the
"flow lines" are everywhere tangential to the outer surfaces
of the body portions of the insulator sections, the particles do not
collect thereon but are carried to the adjacent surfaces of the
petticoats. The particles
travel in both directions since alternating currents are employed in the
transmission lines. The
deposited dust upon the petticoats is substantially immaterial since,
when the dust is dry, it does not affect operating conditions of the
insulator. Dust on the upper surfaces of the petticoats is washed away
upon the occurrence of rain. The
dust on the inner surfaces of the petticoats is not subject to moisture
and accordingly, it does not affect the operation of the insulator under
normal conditions. It is
essential, however, that the body portions of bowl-shape be maintained
free from dust particles or other foreign materials since these portions
are exposed more or less to moisture and the operation of the insulator
is correspondingly affected. It will be noted that the petticoat portions are of relatively thin
material while the main body portions to which they are joined are of
relatively thick material. There is an abrupt change in cross-sectional
area at the junction of the petticoat and body portions.
This arrangement insures that, in case of fracture of the
petticoat portion, the main body portion is not damaged thereby since
there is little or no tendency for the fracture to extend into the
latter portion. The
advantage of this arrangement lies in the fact that, in case of partial
destruction of the insulator by fracture of the
petticoat portions, the main body portions are intact and insure that
the insulator is, at all times and under all conditions, effective to
prevent current from flowing from the line conductor to the supporting
pin of the insulator. In the insulators of the prior art, the fracture
of the petticoat portions substantially invariably effects the
destruction of the main body portion and the insulator is substantially
ineffective to afford protection from the voltage of the line conductor.
While we have shown and described particular forms of our invention,
many changes may be made therein without departing from the spirit and
scope thereof, as indicated in the appended claims. We
claim as our invention: 1.
An insulator for disposition in an electrostatic field of predetermined
form comprising a body portion having its exposed surface shaped to
conform substantially to the flow lines of said electrostatic field
having a uniform potential gradient and a petticoat portion having its
contour shaped to conform substantially to an equi-potential surface of
said electrostatic field. 2.
An insulator for disposition in a dielectric field of predetermined form
comprising a plurality of body portions having exposed surfaces shaped
to conform to the flow lines of said field having a uniform potential
gradient, and petticoat portions having their contours shaped to conform
substantially to equi-potential surfaces of said field. 3.
An insulator for disposition between two zones of different potential in
a dielectric field of any predetermined form comprising a plurality of
juxtaposed members of insulating material, each so shaped as to cause
the mechanical stresses therein to be substantially coincident with the
electrical stresses in the electrostatic field between said zones. 4.
An insulator comprising a plurality of coacting members so shaped as to
cause the mechanical stresses therein to be substantially coincident
with the electrical stresses of the electrostatic field in which it is
disposed. 5.
An insulator for disposition between two members of different potential
comprising means for directing the electrostatic field therebetween to
have a predetermined substantially bowl shape and a plurality of
superposed insulating members having body portions all of which
cooperate to form a subdivided single structure substantially conforming
to said field. 6. An insulator for disposition in an electrostatic field of
predetermined shape, said insulator comprising a plurality of juxtaposed
members of insulating material, each having a body portion shaped to
cooperate with the other body portions to conform substantially
to said field of predetermined shape and a laterally projecting barrier
portion shaped to conform substantially to an equi-potential surface in
the said field and bodies of material disposed with respect to the said
members to constitute a system of condensers of predetermined
capacitance. 7.
An insulator for disposition between two members of different potential
comprising means for directing the electrostatic field there between to
have a substantially bowl shape and a plurality of superposed nested
insulating members having portions cooperating to form a subdivided
single main body structure substantially conforming to said field of
bowl shape, and petticoat portions conforming to equi-potential surfaces
In said field. 8.
An insulator for disposition between two members of different potential
comprising means for directing the electrostatic field therebetween to
have a substantially bowl shape and a plurality of superposed nested
insulating members of substantially bell shape each having two
concentric annular flanges at the open end thereof, the inner of said
flanges cooperating to substantially form the bounding surface of said
field of bowl shape and the outer of said flanges constituting
petticoats for the insulator. 9.
An insulator for disposition between two members of different potential
comprising means for directing the electrostatic field there between to
have a predetermined substantially bowl shape and a plurality of
superposed nested insulating members of substantially bell shape each
having two concentric annular flanges at the open end thereof, the inner
of said flanges cooperating to substantially form the bounding surface
of said field of bowl shape and the outer of said flanges constituting
petticoats having equi-potential surfaces. 10.
An insulator comprising a plurality of superposed nested members of
substantially bell shape certain outer surfaces of which cooperate when
in assembled position to form the bounding surface of a main body
structure of a predetermined substantially bowl shape substantially
conforming to an electrostatic field between the ends of the insulator. 11.
An insulator comprising a body member shaped to conform substantially to
the electrostatic field in which it is disposed, a petticoat member
shape to conform substantially to an equi-potential surface in said
field, means whereby the electrical and mechanical stresses in the said
body member are caused to be substantially coincident and bodies of
material related to the said body member to constitute a condenser. 12. An insulator for disposition in an electrostatic field of
predetermined shape between two conductors of different potential
comprising a plurality of body members having surfaces cooperating to
conform substantially to said electrostatic field of predetermined shape
extending between said conductors, and surfaces substantially at right
angles to the said body surfaces at their junctions and conforming
substantially to equi-potential surfaces between said conductors. 13.
An insulator for disposition between two members of different potential
comprising means for directing the electrostatic field there between to
have a predetermined shape and a plurality of superposed insulating
members having body portions all of which cooperate to form a subdivided
single structure substantially conforming to said predetermined shape. 14.
An insulator c6mprising a plurality of juxtaposed members cooperating,
when in assembled position, to constitute a single composite structure
having a body portion of substantially bowl-shaped tapering from a
relatively narrow portion at one end to a relatively wide portion at the
other end, each of said members having a petticoat portion which at its
junction with the body portion extends substantially at right angles
thereto. 15.
An insulator for disposition in an electrostatic field having a uniform
potential gradient comprising a plurality of juxtaposed members of
substantially bowl shape each having a surface cooperating with similar
surfaces on all of the others to form the bounding surface of a single
composite regular structure, the outline of which conforms substantially
to the electrostatic field in which said insulator is disposed. 16.
An insulator comprising a plurality of juxtaposed members each having a
surface cooperating with a similar surface on the others to form the
bounding surface of a single composite regular structure, the outline of
which conforms substantially to the electrostatic field in which it is
disposed, and each of said members having a petticoat portion of
substantially bowl shape, said petticoat portions all converging in the
same direction. 17.
In an insulator, the combination with a plurality of conducting members
adapted to be of different potential, of a plurality of sections of
insulating material having body portions conforming substantially to the
electrostatic field between said members and having petticoat portions
integral therewith, each of said sections varying abruptly and
materially in cross-sectional area at the junction of the corresponding
body portion and petticoat portion whereby fractures of the latter
portion are substantially prevented from affecting the former portion. 18. In an insulator, the combination with a plurality of conducting
members adapted to
be of different potential, of a plurality of members haying body
portions which conform substantially to the flow lines of an
electrostatic field having a single potential gradient between said
members and having petticoat portions whereby particles tending to
collect on said body portions are attracted toward, and collected upon,
the surfaces of said petticoat portions. 19.
An insulator for disposition between two zones of different potential
comprising a plurality of juxtaposed insulating members and means for so
shaping the electrostatic field between said zones that the lines
therein coincide substantially with the mechanical stresses in said
members. 20.
The combination with two spaced members of different potential and of
such shape as to cause the dielectric field there between to assume a
predetermined form, of a plurality of insulating members, certain of
which have body portions conforming substantially to said field of
predetermined form and certain of which have petticoat portions
projecting into said field in such directions as to offer substantially
minimum disturbance to said field. In
testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names this 31st day
of Jan., 1918. CHARLES