SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 557,881, dated April 7, 1896.
Application filed February 24, 1886, Serial No. 580,343. (No Model.)
To all whom it may concern: Be
it known that I, HANNIBAL W. RAPPLEYE,
a citizen of the United States, residing at Philadelphia, county of
Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and useful
Improvement in Insulators, of which the following is a full, clear, and
exact description, reference being had to the accompanying drawings,
which form a part of this specification. My
invention has for its object to provide a device for readily seeming an
electric conducting wire to a glass insulator without twisting the wire
and to enable the fastening device to secure the wire, no matter what
portion of the insulator is contiguous to the wire. I
will first describe the embodiment of my invention shown in the
accompanying drawings and then point out the invention in the claims. In
the drawings, Figure 1 is a side elevation of one form of embodiment of
my invention. Fig. 2 is a rear view of same. Fig. 3 is a plan
view of same before the neck-wire has been turned so as to bring the
clamp or lever in line with the line-wire. Fig. 4 is a plan view of same
when locked. Fig. 5 is a
side elevation of another form of embodiment of my invention. Fig. G is
a plan view of same. A
is a glass insulator provided with the internal thread for securing it
to the ordinary threaded support. This
insulator has two grooves B and C extending entirely around it.
The wire to be secured to the insulator is adapted to rest in the
upper of these grooves, (groove B,) and is clamped in place by the clamp
D. In the lower groove C
rests a wire or band e. As
shown, it is a band with its ends secured together and is provided with
eyes e, in which rest the ends of the lever F. The ends of the clamp D
rest in eyes f, formed on the lever F, as shown. When
the clamp is brought over the insulator contiguous to the groove B and
the lever pushed downward, the clamp is forced against the glass
insulator, and if the wire be in said groove it is clamped in said
groove by said clamp. To release the wire the lever is pushed upward, releasing the
clamp, which may then be swung free from said wire. It often occurs that
in screwing the glass insulator upon its support its final position is
such that the wire is not in
proper position with reference to the clamp to be clamped by it. Such
condition is shown in Fig. 3, in which, as in the other figures, G is
the wire. My invention is especially applicable to such conditions. The band or wire F is of slightly-greater diameter than the glass insulator at the groove, so that it may be moved around, the upper and lower walls of the groove preventing it moving up and down. |
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With this construction, under the conditions shown in Fig. 3, the band or wire may be turned until the clamp does come into the proper position with reference to the wire to clamp said wire, as shown in Fig. 4. When
I use the term "wire" or "band" as applied to the
lever and clamp support F, I do not intend to limit myself to any
specific construction of such part, it being only necessary that it form
a support for the clamp and lever and be of such size as to be held in
the groove from vertical movement, but can be moved around the groove. I
do not intend to limit myself in reference to which groove B or C
receives the clamp and lever support and which the wire to be clamped. Instead
of using a groove for the reception of the clamp-support F, I can, as
shown in Figs. 5 and 6, support the same upon the neck of the insulator
either above or below the wire-groove.
Such modification is shown in Figs. 5 and 6. In this
construction, as shown in those figures, the support rests on its lower
side against the upper wall of the groove B, and on the upper side
against a bead or projection 100, thus confining the support against
vertical movement when in position. The support in this construction is
a resilient band, which does not extend entirely around the insulator,
thus admitting of its being readily attached to and removed from the
insulator. Having
now fully described my invention, what I claim, and desire to protect by
Letters Patent, is-- 1.
In combination, an insulator having grooves, in one of which the wire to
be clamped is adapted to rest, a clamp adapted to clamp said wire in
position, a lever adapted to act on said clamp and a supporting device
for the clamp and lever to which said lever is pivotally attached, said
supporting device resting in the other groove, and being of such size
that it is movable around said insulator. 2.
In combination, an insulator having a groove extending around the outer
surface in which the wire to be clamped is adapted to rest, a clamp
adapted to clamp said wire in position, a lever adapted to act on said
clamp, and a supporting device for the clamp and lever, to which said
lever is pivotally attached, said supporting device supported upon the
insulator independent of the wire-groove and capable of movement around
said insulator. In
testimony of which invention I have hereunto set my hand.