Homer Brooke Detailed Timeline 1910-1919

[Link to Homer Brooke 1900-1909 data]

This data on Homer Brooke was compiled by Dick Roller and provided to this site by Bob Stahr.

Jan. 27, 1913: License Agreement between Brooke Glass Co. (a NJ corporation, office 15 Exchange Place, Jersey City, NJ) and Ball Brothers Glass Mfg. Co. for the use of  Pat  #723,983.
Oct. 1, 1913: Agreement between Homer Brooke Glass Co. and Ball Brothers Glass Mfg. Co. to drop the litigation over infringement of Pat #723,983, suit settled out of court for $7,500 & royalties. l Signed by Homer Brooke and F.C. Ball, countersigned by J.C. Brady, V.P. of Hazel-Atlas Glass Co.  [Original document; Glass Worker, Oct. 18, 1913]
Dec. 1913:  Homer Brooke stated that he first read the written statement as to the testimony he gave in 1870, and discovered that Mason had patented his father's inventions.  He first saw the Nov.  23rd & 30th, 1858 patents at that time.
Jan. 1914-1916:

Statement of royalties paid by Ball Brothers Glass Mfg.Co. to Homer Brooke Glass Co. totaled $16,754.63 for the period.

1919: Homer Brooke received a letter from George A. Ball inquiring about fruit jar history.

 [Link to Homer Brooke 1920-1929 data]

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