30, 2010
Special fund to support a historic Plaque for the Hemingray insulator factory site in Muncie, IN
Message to collectors from First Past President, Bob Stahr:
would you like to be a part of insulator history? After all, many of us love
insulators for their history as well as for their beauty. Now here is an
opportunity for you to make a difference by placing a historical marker at the
old Hemingray factory site in Muncie, Indiana.
Maybe you made a trip there in days past to dig for glass. Maybe you actually
visited the factory. Or, maybe you just always thought that would be a cool
thing to do. If the site isn't somehow marked for future collectors and history
buffs, it could eventually be lost as an important part of insulator history.
But you can help prevent that from happening.
During my tenure in the office of NIA President, I undertook an effort to make
an application to the State of Indiana to have a historical plaque erected at
the factory site of the Hemingray Glass Company in Muncie, IN. The plaque was
approved and will likely be erected in 2012.
As part of the application process, it was recommended that we privately fund
the purchase and erection of the plaque due to staff cutbacks and state budget
constraints. In fact, most of the plaques erected are privately funded, but
maintained by the state once erected. The cost of the plaque fabrication and
erection is approximately $2,500 plus any ancillary costs for the dedication
ceremony and any required permits.
The NIA has established a special Hemingray Plaque Fund in hopes that NIA
members and other interested parties would consider donating money to see this
project through to completion. If funds are left over after the erection of this
plaque, those funds will be utilized for future plaque projects.
The National Insulator Association, Inc. is a non-profit corporation. It is also
classified as a "public charity" under IRS 501(c)(3) regulations. As
such, most donations to the NIA are tax deductible.
If you are interested in making a donation, please send your payment to:
Historic plaque fund
Robert B. Stahr
515 Main St. Unit 403
West Chicago, IL 60185
All checks should be made out to the National Insulator Association. A letter of
receipt will be sent. We appreciate your time and thank you in advance for any
help you may be able to provide.
Or donate securely using google checkout!!
Note -- Here is a representative Plaque: Example Indiana Marker