Public Library Display in Yukon, OK
NIA member and Committee Chair Sandy Ellison put a great educational display of
insulators and related information at the Mabel Fry Memorial Library in Yukon, OK (Located
just west of the OKC area). This display showed a range of CD's, colors, and
manufacturers along with a good example of the reference material available.

TOP SHELF: (left to right)
- Photo of insulators on cross arm
- CD 145 with wire attached
- Crown Jewels 1998 report on OK swap meet (Cordell, OK Oct. 10, 1998)
- Two CD 257 "Mickey Mouse" insulators
- Color plates from McDougald's book
- Large and small insulators (CD 257 and CD 100)
- Photo of telephone pole
MIDDLE SHELF: (left to right)
- Sketch from Fred Padgett's "Dreams of Glass" identifying different parts of an
- Three CD 102 "Pony" and a CD 112 "keg" local line insulators
- Three CD 121 and a CD 122 "toll" long distance insulators
- Explanation of why insulators were needed and why glass chosen as the best material
- Group of five various CD's and colors
- Millholland book open to page explaining the CD numbering system and sketches of CD's
- Handout describing of the 10 most commonly found insulators along with photos of the 7
styles represented. Copies were available to anyone interested, and sample
insulators were available to be handled at the library.
BOTTOM SHELF: (left to right)
- Crown Jewels magazine from the 1970's (CD featured on the cover)
- Crown Jewels magazine from the 1980's (CD featured on the cover)
- Crown Jewels magazine from the 1990's (CD featured on the cover)
- Group of five various insulators (different CD's and colors)
- All the standard McLaughlin Glass Company insulator CD's (Except the CD 139.9 USLD).
- Fred Padgett's book "Dreams of Glass"
The 10 Most Common Insulator List:
- CD 154 HEMINGRAY-42 (Clear, Ice, Aqua, Blue)
- CD 145 "B" (Aqua, Green-aqua)
- CD 154 WHITALL TATUM No. 1 (Light Aqua)
- CD 155 HEMINGRAY-45 (Clear)
- CD 147 PATENT OCT. 8, 1907 (Aqua)
- CD 152 HEMINGRAY No. 40 (Aqua)
- CD 122 HEMINGRAY-16 & HEMINGRAY-17 (Clear, Aqua, Blue)
- CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, (Clear, Ice, Aqua, Blue)
- CD 155 Amrstrong DP1 (Clear)
- CD 145 H.G.Co. (Aqua)
Many libraries, Schools, or other public places have display areas available, and this
is an excellent way to help future collectors learn about insulators.
to the Promotional Activities page
Last updated March 14, 1999