2019 National Show Displays

There were 13 displays including a fantastic group display - five chose to be non-competetive for NIA awards.  

Note that you can click on any picture for a larger view.

Display by: Jeff Hogan of Debary, FL(NIA #3477)

"Electrification of 50 States"

This group display was coordinated by Jeff with insulators and signs provided by many collectors. It included power and communication insulators attributed to each of the 50 states. It received the Peoples Choice Award, the Dixie Jewels Insulator Club, Jim Overstreet Award for Best Use of CDs, and the Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club Award for Best Use of Railroad Insulators


Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, & California


Colorado, Connecticut, Deleware, Florida, Georgia & Hawaii


Idaho, Illinois, Indiana & Iowa


Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts & Michigan


Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana & Nebraska


Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico & New York


North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma & Oregon


Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah & Vermont


Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin & Wyoming


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