2016 National Show

People and insulators at the show continued

Raven Kotlarsky, Bill Rohde, & Michelle Kotlarsky


Steve Jones


Ron Yuhas


Mike Doyle & Lou Hall


Tom Sawyer


Walt Baumgardt


Lynda & Tom Katonak


Elton Gish with the N.R. Woodward Award


Rick Soller


Examples of some of the insulators available at the show

CD 158 Boston


CD 120 Dec. 19th Patent


CD 265 Fisher


CD 134 Dec. 19 Patents


CD 154 Zicme


CD 257 Hemingray


U-376A Ethridge


British oil bath insulator


U-981 Elliot Hat


CD 132 Dec. 19th Patent


CD 130.1 Cal Electric


CD 134 Pennycuick


CD 721 Wade


CD 263 Columbia


CD 241 Fred Locke


CD 790 Teapot threadless


CD 145.6 Boston


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