There were 23 displays at the show. These included a mix of competitive and non-competitive displays along with the NIA altered insulator educational exhibit.
Note that you can click on any picture for a larger view.
Display by: Chris Renaudo of Houston, TX (NIA #7004)
"New England Glass Manufacturing Co."
This display shows the variety of colors found in N.E.G.M. Co. CD 145 beehives.
Display by: Arlen Rienstra of Crown Point, IN (NIA #3549)
"Western Glass Manufacturing Co."
This colorful display shows the variety of insulators and bottles made by WGM in Colorado. It received the NIA Award for Best of Specialty.
Display by: John Contreras of San Diego, CA (NIA #934)
"Imperial County Desert"
This striking display shows a pole complete with insulators as it may have looked on the line. It received the Greater Chicago Insulator Club Award for the Best Exhibit Using Power Insulators.
Display by: Don Briel of Providence, UT (NIA #7218)
"Very Similar CDs vs. Variants within a CD"
This educational display shows variations within a CD along with variations that justified a new CD assignment - an subjective study for sure. It received the NIA Award for Best of General.