2012 National Show

This show was larger than most National shows and the facility provided wide aisles and access.  One feature of the show was a visit to Charles Brandon's collection.  Shuttle service was provided and a large number of collectors were treated to a fantastic collection.  Note that you can click on any picture for a larger view.

Flyer for Charles' collection 

Colored signals & California Insulators


28 electric blue mice & great signals!!!


 Charles has an unfinished area with floor to ceiling shelves filled with insulators in CD order.  This display includes many rare examples as well as insulators from outside North America!  On many shelves the insulators are two deep.

Note the opalesent CD 154 on the 5th shelf up!

Note Boston Bottle Works insulators!

Charles also has some additional displays containing very rare items including several one-of-a-kind pieces! 

Great mix of rare insulators

Note many rare CDs including the recently discovered CD 280.1

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