2012 National Show Displays

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Display by: Christian Willis of Parker, CO (NIA #5185)

"Undercover Hemingrays"

This display shows a variety of Hemingray made insulators that are not marked with the Hemingray name.  It won the NIA Award for Best of Specialty.


Display by: Dan Wagner of Omaha, NE (NIA #2894)

"Pyrex Insulators From Outside North America"

This great display contains an amazing variety of Pyrex insulators made worldwide and received the NIA Marilyn Albers Award for Best of Foreign.  Contributing insulators to the display in addition to Dan Wagner were Tom Katonak, Lois Blair, Chris Hedges, Charles Brandon, Brian Riecker and Bill Snell.



Display by: Richard Case of Rockford, IL (NIA #82)

"The Scott C. Cutter Tree Insulator"

This neat display shows the Cutter patent tree insulator as it was used..

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