2009 National Show Displays

Display by: Jim Frustieri of Weatherly, PA

"Crown Embossed Brookfields"

This colorful display shows many scarce and colorful early Brookfield pieces.  It received the Dixie Jewels Insulator Club Jim Overstreet Memorial Award for Best exhibit using threaded CDs.


Display by: Ray Klingensmith of Cambridge, OH

"Can You Dig It?"

This very educational display shows the history and glass related to hunting early threadless insulators.  It received the following awards:

Display by: Roger Lucas of Columbus, IN

"Hemingray Glass Company Insulator Patents"

This historic display shows insulators marked with the December 19th, 1871 and the May 2nd, 1893 patents along with the original patents themselves!!! An incredible find.

Display by: Rick Jones of Hamilton, OH

"CD 731 Threadless "Compromise" Insulators"

This comprehensive display shows the great variety of CD 731 styles and colors along with some excellent educational material on their history.  Note that a few suspect insulators are also shown for educational purposes.

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