2006 National Show Displays

Display by: Tom Katonak, of Corrales, NM

"Piano Insulators - The Emerging Collectible"

This beautiful and informative display shows the variety and colors that can be found in "Piano Insulators" which are not an electrical insulator but are intended to improve the sound of the piano by "insulating" it from resonant affects of the floor.  Included with the display was an excellent write-up describing these items and their history.  This won the NIA award for the best exhibit using go-withs.


Display by: Ross Baird of  Ft. Worth, TX

"Junk In Glass"

This vivid display shows bubbly & milky insulators in a bottom lit case really accentuating their inclusions..


Display by: Todd Berry, of Round Rock, TX


This creative junior display shows transposition insulators and their history.  It includes a miniature model of a transposed line.


Display by: Derik Lattig, of  Ft. Worth, TX

"Grand Canyon" Nickname for CD 145

This display shows a nice mix of "Grand Canyon" style CD 145 insulators along with related Grand Canyon National Park information.  These unembossed insulators are believed to have been  made by the WFG Co. in Colorado.


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