The 24th national insulator show was held in Denver, CO at the Sheraton Tech Center. The show hosts were Mike Bliss, Al Perry, Jeff Powers, and Don Reinke. The show was very well attended and had 130 sales tables and 27 displays and many tough insulators exchanged hands.
The show introduced some new features which have been popular at follow-on shows. This included a hospitality room on Thursday night, insulator bingo Friday night and a slide show of the displays that ran continuously throughout the Saturday awards banquet. Patti Norton also was presented with the NIA Outstanding Service award for publishing the Rainbow Riders magazine. Shown below are some examples of insulators at the show:
Follow this link to see the displays: The 1993 National Show Displays
National shows are unlike anything else in the hobby. It is the one time of year where collectors from across the globe get together and meet. The 2010 National will be held in Boxborough, MA. Link for information on the next National Show: