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Porcelain Insulators from Unknown Origins

This section contains insulators for which the origin is unknown - If you have any information on where these were made or used please contact webmaster.  These insulators are identified by U-numbers, but in the range of 1000-3999.  The link below is for the reference book that covers these insulators.

Worldwide Porcelain Insulators (Unipart Pin Types)

Insulators of unknown origin
U-1235 U-1270 U-1336 U-1350 U-1380 U-1416 U-1507 U-1608 U-1608A
U-1621 U-1644 U-1652 U-1734A U-1737 U-1761 U-1775A U-1777 U-1831 U-2031
U-2062B U-2073C U-2087 U-2274 U-2276 U-2287 U-2364A
U-2390 U-2947 U-2948 U-2951 U-2998 U-3000 U-3062
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