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Porcelain Guy Strain Insulators

Guy strains or compression strains were typically used to insulate a telephone or power pole guy wire from ground.  This was done to protect from inductance causing a charge on the wire as well as to prevent galvanic affects from corroding the guy wires and anchor.  These were also used to dead-end a circuit for relatively low voltage.  There is a huge variety of porcelain guy strains available from very tiny styles to large units. 

This numbering system for porcelain strains was established by Raven Kotlarsky and Steve Coffman. Note that glass guy strains are already covered by the CD numbering systems in the range of CD 1111 to CD 1156. The porcelain numbering system uses GS as the prefix and covers worldwide styles in a combined system. The system is broken down by basic type of strain and is sorted from shortest/narrowest to tallest/widest within each type. the GS system is divided into the following ranges by type:

Special thanks to Raven Kotlarsky for initially publishing this system and gathering the initial photographs, measurements and supporting data to document these cool insulator styles.

The gallery view will show the side view of the various styles. If you click the gallery picture a detail page it will link to a detail page showing larger pictures with more views as well as multiple varieties of the same style if they have been reported. If you have a style, maker or signifnant color variation that is now shown in the gallery or detail pages, we would appreciate your assistance in providing pictures, measurements, and marking information so we can grow the data available.

Note: All gallery pictures are size relative. Click any picture for more details.


GS 1000-1999 Johnny Balls


GS 2000-2999 Through Hole Compression Strains

GS-2045 GS-2055 GS-2155 GS-2160 GS-2163 GS-2165 GS-2175 GS-2178 GS-2235 GS-2238
GS-2250 GS-2264 GS-2265 GS-2271 GS-2275 GS-2485 GS-2490

GS 3000-3999 Finned Through Hole Compression Strains

GS-3223 GS-3225 GS-3225A GS-3232 GS-3232 GS-3238 GS-3245 GS-3253 GS-3260 GS-3264
GS-3275 GS-3275 GS-3755 GS-3905 GS-3954

GS 4000-4999 X Style Through Hole Compression Strains

GS-4210 GS-4220 GS-4246 GS-4255 GS-4263 GS-4265 GS-4287
GS-4300 GS-4370 GS-4390 GS-4497 GS-4738 GS-4882

GS 5000-5999 Egg Style Compression Strains

GS-5045 GS-5048 GS-5049 GS-5051 GS-5120 GS-5132 GS-5136 GS-5139
GS-5264 GS-5265 GS-5378 GS-5395 GS-5413
GS-5395 GS-5395

GS 6000-6999 Through Hole Saddle Style Compression Strains


GS 7000-7999 Speciality Style Compression Strains

GS-7010 GS-7025
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