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Composition Insulators

There are a class of insulators made from a number of materials that are a mixture of multiple components.  These are frequently made from an insulating filler material (Fiberglass, asbestos, mica, etc.) mixed with a binder material (resin, tar, shellac, etc.) to form a moldable material that will stand up to outdoor use.  Almost all varieties of insulators have been molded out of composition materials, but all the pintypes are somewhat uncommon.

Composition cable pintype insulators as follows (Left to right).

  • Grey / black cable embossed "THE OHIO BRASS CO // MADE IN U.S.A. DIRIGO"

  • Unmarked light tan cable

  • black cable embossed "THE OHIO BRASS CO // MADE IN U.S.A. DIRIGO"

  • Light tan cable embossed "ELECTROSE"

  • Red / Brown cable embossed "A & J ANDERSON // BOSTON MASS // AETNA"

  • Off white cable embossed "G.E.CO. U.S.A. CAT NO 64260 // MP 23328"

  • Tan cable embossed "ELECTROSE"


More composition pintypes (From left to right):

  • Unmarked reddish power style

  • Unmarked style from England

  • Unmarked beehive style known as the "Arizona beehive"

  • Grey / black style with no markings

  • Unmarked pony style (Looks like Electrose composition)

  • Unmarked tan beehive

  • Small British style embossed on the top with a "1 in a circle"

  • Large tan cable style embossed for Westinghouse on the ear "W in a circle"

Some additional composition styles (From left to right):

  • Mid span transposition made of a fiberglass-like material - unmarked.

  • Radio strain style embossed "ELECTROSE // PAT NOV. 17 JULY 6"

  • Unmarked ramshorn style

Composition Cable

This unusual cable is made from a red/pink composition similar to the more tan Electrose versions.

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