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Insulator Catalog Reprints

This list is an attempt at a comprehensive list of known insulator catalog reprints in or out of print:

Please advise the Webmaster of any catalog reprints that exist that are not listed!

Books shown in red are represented in the NIA archives:

Title Author(s) Original Catalog Date Notes
Brookfield Insulator Co. Marion Milholland 1912 Brown cover w/ Gold Printing
Brookfield Insulator Co. Marion Milholland 1912 Brown cover w/ Black Printing
Brookfield Insulator Co. H. Morgan Brookfield IV 1912 Still Available! Includes additional data not in Millholland's version.
C.S Knowles & Co., Standard Insulators Frank Peters 1902 Pink Cover
C.S Knowles & Co., Standard Insulators Frank Peters 1902 Yellow Cover
California Electrical Works Hans Kettenburg 1878 Photocopy Reprint
California Electrical Works Hans Kettenburg 1880 Photocopy Reprint
Fred M. Locke Insulator Co., High Potential Insulators No. 5 Elton Gish 1900 Still Available! Includes insert with U & M Numbers
Fred M. Locke Insulator Co., Victor Insulators Elton Gish 1902 Still Available! Includes insert with U & M Numbers
Locke Insulator Manufacturing Co., The Insulator Book Frank Peters 1907  
Lima Porcelain Insulator Co., Catalog No. 1 Elton Gish 1904 Still Available! Includes insert with U & M Numbers
Paul Seiler Electrical Works, Illustrated Catalog and Price List Hans Kettenburg 1903 Photocopy Reprint
Pittsburg High Voltage Insulator Co., Catalog No.5 Elton Gish 1908 Still Available! Includes insert with U & M Numbers

If you have any items that you would like to donate to the NIA archives, please contact our historian:  NIA Historian

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