- Glass threaded CDs - Worldwide
- Early classic porcelain (Pre 1910) - Fred Locke, Imperial, Etc.
- Colored porcelain (Any good colors - worldwide)
I have numerous pieces for trade, both glass and porcelain. I am currently in Round Rock, Texas. Round Rock is just north of Austin. If you are in the general area, have insulators to sell, want to trade insulators, or just talk insulators! -- please E-mail me! I'm at
When I was about 12 years old (1972), while we were living in Bethlehem PA, I saw an article in the local antiques paper about glass insulators and their rising value. I knew there was an old line of insulators not far from our house with no more wires! A friend and I got a ladder and gathered about 50 different pieces! Brookfield 102's, A.T.& T. 121's, clear Whitall Tatum and Armstrongs, Etc. We planned to make a killing at the local antique shop! When we got to the shop ready to see the excitement in the dealer's eyes - his reaction was "I don't need any more of those darn things, I've got a whole shelf full already!".
When I looked at his shelf and saw many more varieties, I was hooked! I ended up buying about eight more from him. It would be two more years before I would discover "Crown Jewels" and the "Millholland Reference Book", but each new find held great excitement. Over time I started to specialize, first into power glass, but then into porcelain. I've collected many things over the years "stamps, coins, bottles, etc." but none have offered the fascination and history of insulators!
I grew up in Pennsylvania (Bethlehem), Got a BSEE from Clemson University (SC), and moved to Poughkeepsie NY working for IBM in 1981. With the shrinking mainframe opportunities, I moved to Round Rock, TX in May of 1993 to work in the IBM Microelectronics division. I've worked on PowerPC for Apple, Nintendo and the Sony PS3 but am currently focused on POWER series server microprocessor test and characterization. In 2013 I transitioned to Qualcomm working on SOC (System On a Chip) validation.
Carolyn has held the NIA position of Product Marketing for 13 years and now is the NIA commemorative coordinator. She collects piano insulators which are not electrical insulators but are beautiful pieces of glass designed to support a pianos weight and provide sound enhancement. These have gained in popularity within the insulator hobby over the last few years.
Both Carolyn and I have been very active in the hobby:
I have about 2000 different insulators including worldwide glass and porcelain. My main glass
specialties are worldwide threaded CDs and My porcelain
interests are color and early worldwide insulators. I have taken over U number assignments for Porcelain uniparts from outside the US and work with Dario Dimare on new worldwide CD assignments. I try and keep my full
collection on display which forces me to make tough decisions on new
acquisitions. Pictures below show a sampling of the displays.
Written by Bob Berry,
Last updated April 24, 2016
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